Hash: SHA256

====================================================================                   Red Hat Security Advisory

Synopsis:          Important: OpenShift Container Platform 4.12.1 security update
Advisory ID:       RHSA-2023:0449-01
Product:           Red Hat OpenShift Enterprise
Advisory URL:      https://access.redhat.com/errata/RHSA-2023:0449
Issue date:        2023-01-30
CVE Names:         CVE-2021-4238 
1. Summary:

Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform release 4.12.1 is now available with
updates to packages and images that fix several bugs and add enhancements.

Red Hat Product Security has rated this update as having a security impact
of Important. A Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) base score,
which gives a detailed severity rating, is available for each vulnerability
from the CVE link(s) in the References section.

2. Description:

Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform is Red Hat's cloud computing
Kubernetes application platform solution designed for on-premise or private
cloud deployments.

This advisory contains the container images for Red Hat OpenShift Container
Platform 4.12.1. See the following advisory for the RPM packages for this


Space precludes documenting all of the container images in this advisory.
See the following Release Notes documentation, which will be updated
shortly for this release, for details about these changes:

Security Fix(es):

* goutils: RandomAlphaNumeric and CryptoRandomAlphaNumeric are not as
random as they should be (CVE-2021-4238)

For more details about the security issue(s), including the impact, a CVSS
score, acknowledgments, and other related information, refer to the CVE
page(s) listed in the References section.

3. Solution:

For OpenShift Container Platform 4.12 see the following documentation,
which will be updated shortly for this release, for important instructions
on how to upgrade your cluster and fully apply this asynchronous errata
You can download the oc tool and use it to inspect release image metadata
for x86_64, s390x, ppc64le, and aarch64 architectures. The image digests
can be found at

The sha values for the release are:

(For x86_64 architecture)
The image digest is

(For s390x architecture)
The image digest is

(For ppc64le architecture)
The image digest is

(For aarch64 architecture)
The image digest is

All OpenShift Container Platform 4.12 users are advised to upgrade to these
updated packages and images when they are available in the appropriate
release channel. To check for available updates, use the OpenShift CLI (oc)
or web console. Instructions for upgrading a cluster are available at

4. Bugs fixed (https://bugzilla.redhat.com/):

2106264 - Static pods stuck in 'CreateContainerError' after SDN migration then rollback on Ali Cloud
2156729 - CVE-2021-4238 goutils: RandomAlphaNumeric and CryptoRandomAlphaNumeric are not as random as they should be

5. JIRA issues fixed (https://issues.redhat.com/):

OCPBUGS-1801 - ibm-powervs-block-csi-driver-controller does not set resource requests
OCPBUGS-3678 - [RFE] Add kernel-rpm-macros to DTK image
OCPBUGS-4363 - TargetDown alert expression is NOT correctly joining kube-state-metrics metric
OCPBUGS-4460 - Bootstraps' pivot service races with bootkube
OCPBUGS-4486 - NMstate removes egressip in OpenShift cluster with SDN plugin
OCPBUGS-4600 - FBC catalog server has high startup time and initial memory usage
OCPBUGS-4609 - [vsphere-csi-driver-operator] CSI cloud.conf doesn't list multiple datacenters when specified 
OCPBUGS-4960 - Topology sidebar actions doesn't show the latest resource data
OCPBUGS-5046 - [4.12] unit test data race with egress ip tests
OCPBUGS-5083 - precondition: Do not claim warnings would have blocked
OCPBUGS-5117 - machine.openshift.io API is not supported in Machine API webhooks
OCPBUGS-5154 - OCP on OSP - Image registry is deployed with cinder instead of swift storage backend 
OCPBUGS-5155 - [capi] Prevent users from deleting providersOCPBUGS-5263 - read-only update UX: confusing "Update blocked" pop-up
OCPBUGS-5303 - read-only update UX: confusing "Control plane is hosted" banner
OCPBUGS-5348 - [release-4.12] Clusteroperator Available condition is updated every 2 mins when operator is disabled
OCPBUGS-5401 - Control Plane Machine Set Operator OnDelete update should cause an error when more than one machine is ready in an index
OCPBUGS-5403 - [osp][octavia lb] LBs type svcs not updated until all the LBs are created
OCPBUGS-5429 - Cherry-Pick Downstream Operator-SDK v1.25.1 PR to the release-4.12 branch
OCPBUGS-5468 - openshift-marketplace pods cause PodSecurityViolation alert to fire
OCPBUGS-5476 - kubernetes-nmstate does not pass CVP tests in 4.12
OCPBUGS-5513 - [Azure/ARO: 4.12 backport] Update Azure SDK to v63.1.0+incompatible 
OCPBUGS-5761 - wal: max entry size limit exceeded
OCPBUGS-5764 - Expose Azure useImageGallery parameter in the MachineSets() call
OCPBUGS-5786 - ClusterResourceQuota values are not reflecting.
OCPBUGS-5820 - New master will be created if add duplicated failuredomains in controlplanemachineset
OCPBUGS-5844 - Update FCOS to 36.20220906.3.2
OCPBUGS-5879 - Upgradeability check is throttled too much and with unnecessary non-determinism
OCPBUGS-5923 - [4.12] nodeport not reachable port connection timeout
OCPBUGS-6015 - fail to create install-config.yaml as apiVIP and ingressVIP are not in machine networks
OCPBUGS-6064 - Sync stable branch for CPO release-1.25 into release-4.12
OCPBUGS-896 - Cannot launch add capacity modal from alert action button

6. References:


7. Contact:

The Red Hat security contact is . More contact
details at https://access.redhat.com/security/team/contact/

Copyright 2023 Red Hat, Inc.
Version: GnuPG v1

RHSA-announce mailing list

RedHat: RHSA-2023-0449:01 Important: OpenShift Container Platform 4.12.1

Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform release 4.12.1 is now available with updates to packages and images that fix several bugs and add enhancements


Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform is Red Hat's cloud computing Kubernetes application platform solution designed for on-premise or private cloud deployments.
This advisory contains the container images for Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform 4.12.1. See the following advisory for the RPM packages for this release:
Space precludes documenting all of the container images in this advisory. See the following Release Notes documentation, which will be updated shortly for this release, for details about these changes:
Security Fix(es):
* goutils: RandomAlphaNumeric and CryptoRandomAlphaNumeric are not as random as they should be (CVE-2021-4238)
For more details about the security issue(s), including the impact, a CVSS score, acknowledgments, and other related information, refer to the CVE page(s) listed in the References section.



For OpenShift Container Platform 4.12 see the following documentation, which will be updated shortly for this release, for important instructions on how to upgrade your cluster and fully apply this asynchronous errata update:
You can download the oc tool and use it to inspect release image metadata for x86_64, s390x, ppc64le, and aarch64 architectures. The image digests can be found at https://quay.io/repository/openshift-release-dev/ocp-release?tab=tags.
The sha values for the release are:
(For x86_64 architecture) The image digest is sha256:a4838c937bbf0902a836107476f6167e47b0340b2ad2444937c69a0a8409f896
(For s390x architecture) The image digest is sha256:60cc442c026a55ef520ef19ba11da429b78679f03d5a06ea5c17e8f9a05a7144
(For ppc64le architecture) The image digest is sha256:069f53c782593281f74815801a114acd53aecba0ab80525792fd98903b2aec09
(For aarch64 architecture) The image digest is sha256:112cec5d4cde792aa3c2cf0fb8c2761fbe3e2281b433b9128c2cb23188b2effe
All OpenShift Container Platform 4.12 users are advised to upgrade to these updated packages and images when they are available in the appropriate release channel. To check for available updates, use the OpenShift CLI (oc) or web console. Instructions for upgrading a cluster are available at https://docs.openshift.com/container-platform/4.12/updating/updating-cluster-cli.html


https://access.redhat.com/security/cve/CVE-2021-4238 https://access.redhat.com/security/updates/classification/#important

Package List

Advisory ID: RHSA-2023:0449-01
Product: Red Hat OpenShift Enterprise
Advisory URL: https://access.redhat.com/errata/RHSA-2023:0449
Issued Date: : 2023-01-30
CVE Names: CVE-2021-4238


Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform release 4.12.1 is now available withupdates to packages and images that fix several bugs and add enhancements.Red Hat Product Security has rated this update as having a security impactof Important. A Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) base score,which gives a detailed severity rating, is available for each vulnerabilityfrom the CVE link(s) in the References section.



Relevant Releases Architectures

Bugs Fixed

2106264 - Static pods stuck in 'CreateContainerError' after SDN migration then rollback on Ali Cloud

2156729 - CVE-2021-4238 goutils: RandomAlphaNumeric and CryptoRandomAlphaNumeric are not as random as they should be

5. JIRA issues fixed (https://issues.redhat.com/):

OCPBUGS-1801 - ibm-powervs-block-csi-driver-controller does not set resource requests

OCPBUGS-3678 - [RFE] Add kernel-rpm-macros to DTK image

OCPBUGS-4363 - TargetDown alert expression is NOT correctly joining kube-state-metrics metric

OCPBUGS-4460 - Bootstraps' pivot service races with bootkube

OCPBUGS-4486 - NMstate removes egressip in OpenShift cluster with SDN plugin

OCPBUGS-4600 - FBC catalog server has high startup time and initial memory usage

OCPBUGS-4609 - [vsphere-csi-driver-operator] CSI cloud.conf doesn't list multiple datacenters when specified

OCPBUGS-4960 - Topology sidebar actions doesn't show the latest resource data

OCPBUGS-5046 - [4.12] unit test data race with egress ip tests

OCPBUGS-5083 - precondition: Do not claim warnings would have blocked

OCPBUGS-5117 - machine.openshift.io API is not supported in Machine API webhooks

OCPBUGS-5154 - OCP on OSP - Image registry is deployed with cinder instead of swift storage backend

OCPBUGS-5155 - [capi] Prevent users from deleting providersOCPBUGS-5263 - read-only update UX: confusing "Update blocked" pop-up

OCPBUGS-5303 - read-only update UX: confusing "Control plane is hosted" banner

OCPBUGS-5348 - [release-4.12] Clusteroperator Available condition is updated every 2 mins when operator is disabled

OCPBUGS-5401 - Control Plane Machine Set Operator OnDelete update should cause an error when more than one machine is ready in an index

OCPBUGS-5403 - [osp][octavia lb] LBs type svcs not updated until all the LBs are created

OCPBUGS-5429 - Cherry-Pick Downstream Operator-SDK v1.25.1 PR to the release-4.12 branch

OCPBUGS-5468 - openshift-marketplace pods cause PodSecurityViolation alert to fire

OCPBUGS-5476 - kubernetes-nmstate does not pass CVP tests in 4.12

OCPBUGS-5513 - [Azure/ARO: 4.12 backport] Update Azure SDK to v63.1.0+incompatible

OCPBUGS-5761 - wal: max entry size limit exceeded

OCPBUGS-5764 - Expose Azure useImageGallery parameter in the MachineSets() call

OCPBUGS-5786 - ClusterResourceQuota values are not reflecting.

OCPBUGS-5820 - New master will be created if add duplicated failuredomains in controlplanemachineset

OCPBUGS-5844 - Update FCOS to 36.20220906.3.2

OCPBUGS-5879 - Upgradeability check is throttled too much and with unnecessary non-determinism

OCPBUGS-5923 - [4.12] nodeport not reachable port connection timeout

OCPBUGS-6015 - fail to create install-config.yaml as apiVIP and ingressVIP are not in machine networks

OCPBUGS-6064 - Sync stable branch for CPO release-1.25 into release-4.12

OCPBUGS-896 - Cannot launch add capacity modal from alert action button

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