This week, perhaps the most interesting articles include "", "2006 Operating System Vulnerability Summary", and ""

Earn an NSA recognized IA Masters Online - The NSA has designated Norwich University a center of Academic Excellence in Information Security. Our program offers unparalleled Infosec management education and the case study affords you unmatched consulting experience. Using interactive e-Learning technology, you can earn this esteemed degree, without disrupting your career or home life. Feature Extras:

RFID with Bio-Smart Card in Linux - In this paper, we describe the integration of fingerprint template and RF smart card for clustered network, which is designed on Linux platform and Open source technology to obtain biometrics security. Combination of smart card and biometrics has achieved in two step authentication where smart card authentication is based on a Personal Identification Number (PIN) and the card holder is authenticated using the biometrics template stored in the smart card that is based on the fingerprint verification. The fingerprint verification has to be executed on central host server for security purposes. Protocol designed allows controlling entire parameters of smart security controller like PIN options, Reader delay, real-time clock, alarm option and cardholder access conditions.

pgp Key Signing Observations: Overlooked Social and Technical Considerations - While there are several sources of technical information on using pgp in general, and key signing in particular, this article emphasizes social aspects of key signing that are too often ignored, misleading or incorrect in the technical literature. There are also technical issues pointed out where I believe other documentation to be lacking. It is important to acknowledge and address social aspects in a system such as pgp, because the weakest link in the system is the human that is using it. The algorithms, protocols and applications used as part of a pgp system are relatively difficult to compromise or 'break', but the human user can often be easily fooled. Since the human is the weak link in this chain, attention must be paid to actions and decisions of that human; users must be aware of the pitfalls and know how to avoid them.

Bulletproof Virus Protection - Protect your network from costly security breaches with Guardian Digital’s multi-faceted security applications. More then just an email firewall, on demand and scheduled scanning detects and disinfects viruses found on the network. Click to find out more!

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Earn an NSA recognized IA Masters Online - The NSA has designated Norwich University a center of Academic Excellence in Information Security. Our program offers unparalleled Infosec management education and the case study affords you unmatched consulting experience. Using interactive e-Learning technology, you can earn this esteemed degree, without disrupting your career or home life.

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Protect your home and business networks with the free, community version of EnGarde Secure Linux. Don't rely only on a firewall to protect your network, because firewalls can be bypassed. EnGarde Secure Linux is a security-focused Linux distribution made to protect your users and their data.

Guardian Digital Makes Email Safe For Business - Microsoft 365, Goo....

Thank you for reading the weekly security newsletter. The purpose of this document is to provide our readers with a quick summary of each week's most relevant Linux security headline.

Use a wiki to integrate your information systems
2nd, April, 2007

Managing documentation and support requests and collaborating effectively are difficult tasks for many organizations. Most companies have separate systems to track customer information, handle support, and manage a general knowledge base, but when someone needs a 360-degree view of a project, or needs to find all of the information on a client, the task can be next to impossible. Why not glue all of your separate systems together using wiki software?

A Quantum Leap in Information Security
5th, April, 2007

Pioneering physicist aims to lock out data hackers with speed-of-light cryptography.

Right now, somewhere in the world, hackers are trying to break into central electronic storage facilities to pilfer sensitive data such as credit card information, financial records and personal identification.

Bad Web Habits Risk Our Security
4th, April, 2007

Security experts have blamed the continued prevalance of older viruses such as the Netsky and Mytob worms on people's bad habits.

Attackers are abandoning traditional methods of sending malware via email, as they are too easy for virus scanners to spot. Instead, they are opting to include links in emails that direct recipients to infected web pages.

The Rise of SSL VPNs
9th, April, 2007

The growth of Secure Sockets Layer virtual private networks (SSL VPNs) has accelerated in the last 12 months due to greater awareness among users of the commercial advantages, better marketing which focuses on benefits rather than technology, and improved security features.

2006 Operating System Vulnerability Summary
3rd, April, 2007

Computer security is a precarious business both from a product development and administrative standpoint. Operating system vendors are forced to constantly patch their software to keep consumers protected from the latest digital threats. But which operating systems are the most secure? A recent report by Symantec hints that Windows currently presents fewer security holes than its commercial competitors.

What's FireGPG?
4th, April, 2007

FireGPG is a Firefox extension which brings an interface to crypt, decrypt, sign or verify the signature of a text in any web page, using GPG. It will support some webmails. Right now, only GMail1 is supported, some useful buttons are added in the interface of this webmail. news/security-projects/whats-firegpg
Fortify Identifies JavaScript Vulnerability in AJAX Apps
2nd, April, 2007

Security vendor Fortify today said it has identified a JavaScript-related vulnerability that lets an attacker hijack a Mozilla or Microsoft Internet Explorer Web browser session.

Securing a New Age Workforce
3rd, April, 2007

Computer security professionals should be more proactive in protecting corporate networks, in light of business employees today being more mobile than ever.

Such mobility is changing the enterprise security landscape, according to Motorola Inc, a provider of integrated communications and embedded electronics solutions.

Schneier says full disclosure of vulns a 'damned good idea'
4th, April, 2007

Full disclosure -- the practice of making the details of security vulnerabilities public -- is a damned good idea. Public scrutiny is the only reliable way to improve security, while secrecy only makes us less secure. Unfortunately, secrecy sounds like a good idea. Keeping software vulnerabilities secret, the argument goes, keeps them out of the hands of the hackers. The problem, according to this position, is less the vulnerability itself and more the information about the vulnerability.

Shaping the future of secure Ajax mashups
5th, April, 2007

Current Web browsers weren't designed to easily and securely get content from multiple sources into one page. Discover how developers have stretched the available tools to fit the task and how doing so has put strain on the resulting applications with respect to security and scalability. Also, learn about several browser improvements being proposed to remedy the situation and how to become part of the conversation that will bring Web development beyond this hurdle to a new level of interoperability.

How Can We Take Domains Down Faster?
6th, April, 2007

Often the best way to thwart an Internet attack is to take down the domain names involved in it, but this is a hard thing to do under current rules. Shortly before the revelation of the .ANI bug and the inevitable development of attack sites that it engendered, a prescient discussion was beginning about better ways to bring these sites down.

Developers Warned to Secure AJAX Design
7th, April, 2007

Security firm Fortify Software has stepped forward to warn Web site developers that most frameworks for deploying interactive functionality use JavaScript in a way that could lead to their applications leaking user data.

The problem, dubbed JavaScript hijacking by the firm, occurs because popular asynchronous JavaScript and XML (AJAX) toolkits use the scripting language as a transport mechanism without due consideration to security.

Virtualisation Race Could Risk Security
8th, April, 2007

Companies have been warned not to rush into adopting virtualisation technology as hurrying could leave them at risk of security threats.

If companies adopt virtualisation too quickly, the best security practices could be overlooked according to analyst Gartner. In some cases the best security technology may not even be available yet.

The Final 'Final' Nail in WEP's Coffin?
9th, April, 2007

Researchers have discovered a new way of attacking Wired Equivalent Privacy that requires an amount of data "more than an order of magnitude" less than the best known key-recovery attacks. In effect, the cracking can be done within a minute, as the title of the paper suggests: Breaking 104 bit WEP in less than 60 seconds.