Guardian Digital, Inc., sponsors of LinuxSecurity, today released the enterprise edition of its highly successfuly EnGarde Secure Linux server operating system. EnGarde Secure Professional is a comprehensive software solution that provides all the tools necessary to build a complete online presence.. . .
Guardian Digital, Inc., sponsors of LinuxSecurity, today released the enterprise edition of its highly successfuly EnGarde Secure Linux server operating system. EnGarde Secure Professional is a comprehensive software solution that provides all the tools necessary to build a complete online presence.

The EnGarde Secure Professional integrated software solution offers unsurpassed levels of security, ease of use, and the most sophisticated Open Source Web-based management system available. The EnGarde Secure Workgroup Suite, also today released, accompanies EnGarde Secure Professional to form a complete intranet and collaboration environment.

Capable of supporting thousands of virtual Web sites, e-mail and DNS domains, this proven enterprise-ready solution marks EnGarde Secure Professional as the reliable and robust platform for building a complete corporate Internet presence.

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