Organizations/Events - Page 9

Discover Organizations/Events News

5 lessons from companies that get computer security right


Most organizations are very bad at computer security. They don't patch well, and they have short, simple passwords that don't expire. They have dozens to hundreds of people in elevated groups. They don't have a clue who has which permissions in their environment.

Chrome OS security holes found, patched


At Google's Pwnium hacking competition, two new security exploits in Chrome OS were demonstrated, while at Pwn2Own a Chrome Web browser problem was found that also impacted Chrome OS. All three problems have now been patched.

Anonymous' 'Million Mask March' goes global


Hundreds of protests around the world sparked up on Tuesday in what the hacking collective Anonymous called the "Million Mask March." Donning Guy Fawkes masks, the demonstrators' goal was to "defend humanity."

The origins of DefCon


This week we have the DefCon 20 and Black Hat computer security conferences in Las Vegas -- reasons enough for me to do 2-3 columns about computer security. These columns will be heading in a direction I don

How UNSW creates the world's best hackers


The University of NSW is known for producing some of Australia's top lawyers, doctors and accountants. But the 64-year-old institution is now gaining a reputation for excelling in what is often viewed as anti-establishment