A Welsh ex-hacker, famed for cracking the Pentagon's computers from his Cardiff bedroom, claims inadequacies in UK law and erratic media coverage guarantee leniency for British hackers -- even for serious offences.. . .
A Welsh ex-hacker, famed for cracking the Pentagon's computers from his Cardiff bedroom, claims inadequacies in UK law and erratic media coverage guarantee leniency for British hackers -- even for serious offences.

Mathew "Kuji" Bevan, who was acquitted of endangering the national security of the United States by the High Court in November 1997 says, "The American media has quite an anti hacker view. Over here they have a much more positive attitude. They believe in the 'cool hacker', the anarchist kind of thing. In my case the press was saying 'Cardiff boy done good' and that sort of thing. I had a very positive response from the press... it makes are real difference to the number of successful prosecutions there are over here."

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