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How To Add, Delete, And Grant Sudo Privileges To Users In Debian 12


In Debian, managing user privileges and administrative access is crucial for maintaining a secure and efficient system. By granting users the ability to execute administrative tasks without relying on the root account, you can enhance security, control access to sensitive operations, and maintain an audit trail of user activity.

How To Bind an SSH Public Key to a Specific Command


In the client-server architecture used by the SSH protocol, a client can authenticate by providing a tunneled clear text password or by using a public/private key pair: this is called public key authentication. A user who logs in via a public key on a remote machine has complete access to the command line; in certain situations, however, it may be useful to associate a public key to a single specific command, for security reasons.

How to Create a Non-login User in Linux


If you are a system administrator and are looking for ways to make your Linux system more secure or want to automate certain processes, creating a non-login user is the solution. Non-login users can prove to be very useful for a variety of cases right from limiting access to your Linux system to running specific processes with restricted privileges. Here, we will guide you through the steps to create a non-login user in Linux and set the appropriate permissions for them.

7 Ways to Recover Deleted Files on Linux


File restoration utilities are one of the most important programs in a Linux administrator’s toolkit. They provide the ability to recover deleted files, even in cases where the disk is either physically damaged or wiped clean.

Securing an Ubuntu Linux server with SELinux


SELinux is a robust and customizable security system that is shipped by default on many Linux operating systems, such as Fedora and RHEL. If you would like to add extra security to your Ubuntu server, follow along as we show you how to secure your Ubuntu Linux server with SELinux.

3 Different Ways to apply Linux Kernel Security Patches


We know that the most effective way to strengthen system security and protect against any cyber threat is to keep our system updated with the latest OS and application software patches. For Linux the kernel upgrades and security patches require a system reboot, hence it is hard to maintain the OS safe. Here we are going to see how to update the Linux kernels, without a reboot.

Commands and Setting for Managing User Accounts on Linux


If you’re administering a Linux server, chances are you have a lot of user accounts to manage and, along with these, a lot of files and settings to control. Here are some commands and issues that are important in setting up and managing user accounts and access rights.

Harnessing the eBPF Verifier


During my internship at Trail of Bits, I prototyped a harness that improves the testability of the eBPF verifier, simplifying the testing of eBPF programs. My eBPF harness runs in user space, independently of any locally running kernel, and thus opens the door to testing of eBPF programs across different kernel versions.

How To Scan for Cross-Site Scripting Vulnerabilities in Websites & Web Apps with Pwn XSS


Pwn XSS is a powerful tool that is commonly used by malicious hackers as well as security professionals today. The term "pwn" comes from "own", as in "to have power or mastery over (someone)." Pwn XSS is an open source cross site scripting vulnerability scanner made in python 3.7. This tool is used to find vulnerabilities in websites and web apps that can be compromised and allow a hacker to exploit for malicious reasons. It can also be used by security professionals to test their own websites to be sure it's free from any cross-site scripting vulnerabilities, as well as cybersecurity students, learning about how cross-site scripting works, why it can be a potential security risk, and ideas for how security and protection against these attacks can be improved.