Thank you for reading the weekly security newsletter. The purpose of this document is to provide our readers with a quick summary of each week's most relevant Linux security headlines. Feature Extras:

Essential tools for hardening and securing Unix based Environments - System administrators are aware as how important their systems security is, not just the runtime of their servers. Intruders, spammers, DDOS attack, crackers, are all out there trying to get into people's computers, servers and everywhere they can lay hands on and interrupt the normal runtime of services.

Securing a Linux Web Server - With the significant prevalence of Linux web servers globally, security is often touted as a strength of the platform for such a purpose. However, a Linux based web server is only as secure as its configuration and very often many are quite vulnerable to compromise. While specific configurations vary wildly due to environments or specific use, there are various general steps that can be taken to insure basic security considerations are in place.

  Hacking Team claims terrorists can now use its tools (Jul 9)

Hacking Team has warned that a devastating data breach it suffered will allow its spying tools to be used by criminals and terrorists.

  (Jul 10)

Just when you thought you were safe, a new hacking toy comes along and rocks your world. Imagine a tool exists that lets hackers pluck encryption keys from your laptop right out of the air. You can't stop it by connecting to protected Wi-Fi networks or even disabling Wi-Fi completely. Turning off Bluetooth also won't help you protect yourself.

  Hacking Team hacked, attackers claim 400GB in dumped data (Jul 5)

On Sunday, while most of Twitter was watching the Women's World Cup