- --------------------------------------------------------------------------Debian Security Advisory DSA 1338-1                    security@debian.org
http://www.debian.org/security/                         Moritz Muehlenhoff
July 23rd, 2007                         http://www.debian.org/security/faq
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------Package        : iceweasel
Vulnerability  : several
Problem-Type   : remote
Debian-specific: no
CVE ID         : CVE-2007-3089 CVE-2007-3656 CVE-2007-3734 CVE-2007-3735 CVE-2007-3736 CVE-2007-3737 CVE-2007-3738

Several remote vulnerabilities have been discovered in the Iceweasel web
browser, an unbranded version of the Firefox browser. The Common 
Vulnerabilities and Exposures project identifies the following problems:


    Ronen Zilberman and Michal Zalewski discovered that a timing race
    allows the injection of content into about:blank frames.


    Michal Zalewski discovered that same-origin policies for wyciwyg://
    documents are insufficiently enforced.


    Bernd Mielke, Boris Zbarsky, David Baron, Daniel Veditz, Jesse Ruderman,
    Lukas Loehrer, Martijn Wargers, Mats Palmgren, Olli Pettay, Paul
    Nickerson,and Vladimir Sukhoy discovered crashes in the layout engine,
    which might allow the execution of arbitrary code.


    Asaf Romano, Jesse Ruderman and Igor Bukanov discovered crashes in the
    javascript engine, which might allow the execution of arbitrary code.


    "moz_bug_r_a4" discovered that the addEventListener() and setTimeout()
    functions allow cross-site scripting.


    "moz_bug_r_a4" discovered that a programming error in event handling
    allows privilege escalation.


    "shutdown" and "moz_bug_r_a4" discovered that the XPCNativeWrapper allows
    the execution of arbitrary code.

The Mozilla products in the oldstable distribution (sarge) are no longer
supported with with security updates. You're strongly encouraged to upgrade to
stable as soon as possible.

For the stable distribution (etch) these problems have been fixed in version Builds for alpha and mips are not yet available, they will
be provided later.

For the unstable distribution (sid) these problems have been fixed in version

We recommend that you upgrade your iceweasel packages.

Upgrade Instructions
- --------------------wget url
        will fetch the file for you
dpkg -i file.deb
        will install the referenced file.

If you are using the apt-get package manager, use the line for
sources.list as given below:

apt-get update
        will update the internal database
apt-get upgrade
        will install corrected packages

You may use an automated update by adding the resources from the
footer to the proper configuration.

Debian GNU/Linux 4.0 alias etch
- -------------------------------  Source archives:

          Size/MD5 checksum:     1286 59238f560ecb32cdbc56a63ddb209e55
          Size/MD5 checksum:   185146 6524cf51c9e4b107d72600123967d6ef
          Size/MD5 checksum: 43667811 06e1bbe4d44d5b3333cabf8584844ca0

  Architecture independent components:

          Size/MD5 checksum:    53580 934bffd016c2040ae56d1701ab9ef8b0
          Size/MD5 checksum:    53548 01ec3b09cb5305f60952e8e7c8ac775f
          Size/MD5 checksum:    53702 d3ecadf21b84c62c473a658892510d73
          Size/MD5 checksum:   234160 bcf465cec9f922ad5e28c434cc9bce9a
          Size/MD5 checksum:    53432 cd14d22874e960c485e4cec1e559ef20
          Size/MD5 checksum:    53428 b2d685e70ff5a9c0be04c24efe8cd660
          Size/MD5 checksum:    54232 72be77489c8bc90232f09c3e4a37d2a8

  AMD64 architecture:

          Size/MD5 checksum: 10131746 6509776fdd7f65552627b22b7f0e5d5f
          Size/MD5 checksum: 50034750 34db9be3f1aacd877fabacf163a716cf
          Size/MD5 checksum:    87376 42ac4a2436251a5023a4122234a9b433

  ARM architecture:

          Size/MD5 checksum:  9172536 d5a6afa28d7202a28151791944c6cbe4
          Size/MD5 checksum: 49133408 d8bfcda8c8f3675bbf4dfc2f84f88fb0
          Size/MD5 checksum:    80786 547a41d33735a51c539fd93f8584ca8c

  HP Precision architecture:

          Size/MD5 checksum: 11038942 73a12aae1df5a9ff435fdbf111641271
          Size/MD5 checksum: 50416604 d1dd0fa25fac83208fbee1e5016bea40
          Size/MD5 checksum:    88872 33dce9b617f9772f706ad4d711ccbacf

  Intel IA-32 architecture:

          Size/MD5 checksum:  9104036 31bd4e0e97fc842cfb36332222227701
          Size/MD5 checksum: 49439820 c7760fc3be07338899256b1bf00883e7
          Size/MD5 checksum:    81298 b9479b0ba634c0456301effa7f69ef14

  Intel IA-64 architecture:

          Size/MD5 checksum: 14134080 497b02f80092d16b883a0fe5543e865a
          Size/MD5 checksum: 50396004 1eefae991deb0610dfee10f5fc25929a
          Size/MD5 checksum:    99638 ab6b8c85a7d7f796f6aa83c567d81f7a

  Little endian MIPS architecture:

          Size/MD5 checksum: 10744354 de1cb2892c1a5f2474301c967002db40
          Size/MD5 checksum: 52394050 8c57505e91c9ee8137d7f596de85cb20
          Size/MD5 checksum:    82468 624046892b6bc835db7ad352a58193b1

  PowerPC architecture:

          Size/MD5 checksum:  9918324 b55975975e333962fbe7700f394e4efc
          Size/MD5 checksum: 51849604 a382e26d5f81f3cba80d3c74c803bfba
          Size/MD5 checksum:    82998 5b3f148c7e5115779efb9eab5f7ec085

  IBM S/390 architecture:

          Size/MD5 checksum: 10343876 392bd7c3b4498f16a18af4f33433cdec
          Size/MD5 checksum: 50714240 4fcb5751ac1f74858e77ec55511ebfe3
          Size/MD5 checksum:    87386 78d93550b19df51bb0ecde33117dc657

  Sun Sparc architecture:

          Size/MD5 checksum:  9125776 96b405d93d02e5a80933fba0658c18d3
          Size/MD5 checksum: 49052276 615dac8bcaeb9a4c5cdb6500fe519f8a
          Size/MD5 checksum:    81150 63d0482567e238eae0d201b43696ca02

  These files will probably be moved into the stable distribution on
  its next update.

- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------For apt-get: deb http://security.debian.org/ stable/updates main
For dpkg-ftp:  dists/stable/updates/main
Mailing list: debian-security-announce@lists.debian.org

Debian: New iceweasel packages fix several vulnerabilities

July 23, 2007
Several remote vulnerabilities have been discovered in the Iceweasel web browser, an unbranded version of the Firefox browser


Ronen Zilberman and Michal Zalewski discovered that a timing race
allows the injection of content into about:blank frames.


Michal Zalewski discovered that same-origin policies for wyciwyg://
documents are insufficiently enforced.


Bernd Mielke, Boris Zbarsky, David Baron, Daniel Veditz, Jesse Ruderman,
Lukas Loehrer, Martijn Wargers, Mats Palmgren, Olli Pettay, Paul
Nickerson,and Vladimir Sukhoy discovered crashes in the layout engine,
which might allow the execution of arbitrary code.


Asaf Romano, Jesse Ruderman and Igor Bukanov discovered crashes in the
javascript engine, which might allow the execution of arbitrary code.


"moz_bug_r_a4" discovered that the addEventListener() and setTimeout()
functions allow cross-site scripting.


"moz_bug_r_a4" discovered that a programming error in event handling
allows privilege escalation.


"shutdown" and "moz_bug_r_a4" discovered that the XPCNativeWrapper allows
the execution of arbitrary code.

The Mozilla products in the oldstable distribution (sarge) are no longer
supported with with security updates. You're strongly encouraged to upgrade to
stable as soon as possible.

For the stable distribution (etch) these problems have been fixed in version Builds for alpha and mips are not yet available, they will
be provided later.

For the unstable distribution (sid) these problems have been fixed in version

We recommend that you upgrade your iceweasel packages.

Upgrade Instructions
- --------------------wget url
will fetch the file for you
dpkg -i file.deb
will install the referenced file.

If you are using the apt-get package manager, use the line for
sources.list as given below:

apt-get update
will update the internal database
apt-get upgrade
will install corrected packages

You may use an automated update by adding the resources from the
footer to the proper configuration.

Debian GNU/Linux 4.0 alias etch

Size/MD5 checksum: 1286 59238f560ecb32cdbc56a63ddb209e55
Size/MD5 checksum: 185146 6524cf51c9e4b107d72600123967d6ef
Size/MD5 checksum: 43667811 06e1bbe4d44d5b3333cabf8584844ca0

Architecture independent components:

Size/MD5 checksum: 53580 934bffd016c2040ae56d1701ab9ef8b0
Size/MD5 checksum: 53548 01ec3b09cb5305f60952e8e7c8ac775f
Size/MD5 checksum: 53702 d3ecadf21b84c62c473a658892510d73
Size/MD5 checksum: 234160 bcf465cec9f922ad5e28c434cc9bce9a
Size/MD5 checksum: 53432 cd14d22874e960c485e4cec1e559ef20
Size/MD5 checksum: 53428 b2d685e70ff5a9c0be04c24efe8cd660
Size/MD5 checksum: 54232 72be77489c8bc90232f09c3e4a37d2a8

AMD64 architecture:

Size/MD5 checksum: 10131746 6509776fdd7f65552627b22b7f0e5d5f
Size/MD5 checksum: 50034750 34db9be3f1aacd877fabacf163a716cf
Size/MD5 checksum: 87376 42ac4a2436251a5023a4122234a9b433

ARM architecture:

Size/MD5 checksum: 9172536 d5a6afa28d7202a28151791944c6cbe4
Size/MD5 checksum: 49133408 d8bfcda8c8f3675bbf4dfc2f84f88fb0
Size/MD5 checksum: 80786 547a41d33735a51c539fd93f8584ca8c

HP Precision architecture:

Size/MD5 checksum: 11038942 73a12aae1df5a9ff435fdbf111641271
Size/MD5 checksum: 50416604 d1dd0fa25fac83208fbee1e5016bea40
Size/MD5 checksum: 88872 33dce9b617f9772f706ad4d711ccbacf

Intel IA-32 architecture:

Size/MD5 checksum: 9104036 31bd4e0e97fc842cfb36332222227701
Size/MD5 checksum: 49439820 c7760fc3be07338899256b1bf00883e7
Size/MD5 checksum: 81298 b9479b0ba634c0456301effa7f69ef14

Intel IA-64 architecture:

Size/MD5 checksum: 14134080 497b02f80092d16b883a0fe5543e865a
Size/MD5 checksum: 50396004 1eefae991deb0610dfee10f5fc25929a
Size/MD5 checksum: 99638 ab6b8c85a7d7f796f6aa83c567d81f7a

Little endian MIPS architecture:

Size/MD5 checksum: 10744354 de1cb2892c1a5f2474301c967002db40
Size/MD5 checksum: 52394050 8c57505e91c9ee8137d7f596de85cb20
Size/MD5 checksum: 82468 624046892b6bc835db7ad352a58193b1

PowerPC architecture:

Size/MD5 checksum: 9918324 b55975975e333962fbe7700f394e4efc
Size/MD5 checksum: 51849604 a382e26d5f81f3cba80d3c74c803bfba
Size/MD5 checksum: 82998 5b3f148c7e5115779efb9eab5f7ec085

IBM S/390 architecture:

Size/MD5 checksum: 10343876 392bd7c3b4498f16a18af4f33433cdec
Size/MD5 checksum: 50714240 4fcb5751ac1f74858e77ec55511ebfe3
Size/MD5 checksum: 87386 78d93550b19df51bb0ecde33117dc657

Sun Sparc architecture:

Size/MD5 checksum: 9125776 96b405d93d02e5a80933fba0658c18d3
Size/MD5 checksum: 49052276 615dac8bcaeb9a4c5cdb6500fe519f8a
Size/MD5 checksum: 81150 63d0482567e238eae0d201b43696ca02

These files will probably be moved into the stable distribution on
its next update.

For dpkg-ftp: dists/stable/updates/main
Mailing list: debian-security-announce@lists.debian.org


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