- --------------------------------------------------------------------------Debian Security Advisory DSA 1188-1                    security@debian.org
http://www.debian.org/security/                             Martin Schulze
October 4th, 2006                       http://www.debian.org/security/faq
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------Package        : mailman
Vulnerability  : format string
Problem type   : remote
Debian-specific: no
CVE IDs        : CVE-2006-3636 CVE-2006-4624
BugTraq ID     : 19831

Several security related problems have been discovered in mailman, the
web-based GNU mailing list manager.  The Common Vulnerabilities and
Exposures project identifies the following problems:


    Moritz Naumann discovered several cross-site scripting problems
    that could allow remote attackers to inject arbitrary web script
    or HTML.


    Moritz Naumann discovered that a remote attacker can inject
    arbitrary strings into the logfile.

For the stable distribution (sarge) this problem has been fixed in
version 2.1.5-8sarge5.

For the unstable distribution (sid) this problem has been fixed in
version 2.1.8-3.

We recommend that you upgrade your mailman package.

Upgrade Instructions
- --------------------wget url
        will fetch the file for you
dpkg -i file.deb
        will install the referenced file.

If you are using the apt-get package manager, use the line for
sources.list as given at the end of this advisory:

apt-get update
        will update the internal database
apt-get upgrade
        will install corrected packages

You may use an automated update by adding the resources from the
footer to the proper configuration.

Debian GNU/Linux 3.1 alias sarge
- --------------------------------  Source archives:

          Size/MD5 checksum:      816 3f2cd37005f340202f0c7660d8c91196
          Size/MD5 checksum:   122128 292c5264aeffbd2079b5a3257b165de0
          Size/MD5 checksum:  5745912 f5f56f04747cd4aff67427e7a45631af

  Alpha architecture:

          Size/MD5 checksum:  6612236 6e98b9f63c0eb5168902fb863167a197

  AMD64 architecture:

          Size/MD5 checksum:  6611036 3ca3419b399ec2a8a9a398e81d744d07

  ARM architecture:

          Size/MD5 checksum:  6610764 e2d64ba3fe9dc2883d48cbcfcb016bbe

  HP Precision architecture:

          Size/MD5 checksum:  6617802 14f8c5db2d8e38c470e3375a7e2102bb

  Intel IA-32 architecture:

          Size/MD5 checksum:  6606630 112c41dadf9efdf4823ad5c32180fe0e

  Intel IA-64 architecture:

          Size/MD5 checksum:  6612188 d6a6b7fd9613f4d7a7ac6b59ffff40f9

  Motorola 680x0 architecture:

          Size/MD5 checksum:  6617856 ebe2b791034f4d08461b2d2c6d60f37d

  Big endian MIPS architecture:

          Size/MD5 checksum:  6661270 2412e64f5406bc1e84d3e64fc9e5a9fc

  Little endian MIPS architecture:

          Size/MD5 checksum:  6652256 816264d9b311c02fc99d68dd62604cef

  PowerPC architecture:

          Size/MD5 checksum:  6618128 6c5974478f4b877ddd47c115d66075f1

  IBM S/390 architecture:

          Size/MD5 checksum:  6617184 6977902eb91d3eab34141d0de34f0323

  Sun Sparc architecture:

          Size/MD5 checksum:  6616594 3847454bf1b64d728f7e6bcaf57dea89

  These files will probably be moved into the stable distribution on
  its next update.

- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------For apt-get: deb http://security.debian.org/ stable/updates main
For dpkg-ftp:  dists/stable/updates/main
Mailing list: debian-security-announce@lists.debian.org

Debian: New mailman packages fix several problems

October 4, 2006
Updated package.


Moritz Naumann discovered several cross-site scripting problems
that could allow remote attackers to inject arbitrary web script
or HTML.


Moritz Naumann discovered that a remote attacker can inject
arbitrary strings into the logfile.

For the stable distribution (sarge) this problem has been fixed in
version 2.1.5-8sarge5.

For the unstable distribution (sid) this problem has been fixed in
version 2.1.8-3.

We recommend that you upgrade your mailman package.

Upgrade Instructions
- --------------------wget url
will fetch the file for you
dpkg -i file.deb
will install the referenced file.

If you are using the apt-get package manager, use the line for
sources.list as given at the end of this advisory:

apt-get update
will update the internal database
apt-get upgrade
will install corrected packages

You may use an automated update by adding the resources from the
footer to the proper configuration.

Debian GNU/Linux 3.1 alias sarge

Size/MD5 checksum: 816 3f2cd37005f340202f0c7660d8c91196
Size/MD5 checksum: 122128 292c5264aeffbd2079b5a3257b165de0
Size/MD5 checksum: 5745912 f5f56f04747cd4aff67427e7a45631af

Alpha architecture:

Size/MD5 checksum: 6612236 6e98b9f63c0eb5168902fb863167a197

AMD64 architecture:

Size/MD5 checksum: 6611036 3ca3419b399ec2a8a9a398e81d744d07

ARM architecture:

Size/MD5 checksum: 6610764 e2d64ba3fe9dc2883d48cbcfcb016bbe

HP Precision architecture:

Size/MD5 checksum: 6617802 14f8c5db2d8e38c470e3375a7e2102bb

Intel IA-32 architecture:

Size/MD5 checksum: 6606630 112c41dadf9efdf4823ad5c32180fe0e

Intel IA-64 architecture:

Size/MD5 checksum: 6612188 d6a6b7fd9613f4d7a7ac6b59ffff40f9

Motorola 680x0 architecture:

Size/MD5 checksum: 6617856 ebe2b791034f4d08461b2d2c6d60f37d

Big endian MIPS architecture:

Size/MD5 checksum: 6661270 2412e64f5406bc1e84d3e64fc9e5a9fc

Little endian MIPS architecture:

Size/MD5 checksum: 6652256 816264d9b311c02fc99d68dd62604cef

PowerPC architecture:

Size/MD5 checksum: 6618128 6c5974478f4b877ddd47c115d66075f1

IBM S/390 architecture:

Size/MD5 checksum: 6617184 6977902eb91d3eab34141d0de34f0323

Sun Sparc architecture:

Size/MD5 checksum: 6616594 3847454bf1b64d728f7e6bcaf57dea89

These files will probably be moved into the stable distribution on
its next update.

For dpkg-ftp: dists/stable/updates/main
Mailing list: debian-security-announce@lists.debian.org


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