Guardian Digital is happy to announce the release of EnGarde Secure Community 3.0.2 (Version 3.0, Release 2). This release includes several bug fixes and feature enhancements to the Guardian Digital WebTool, the SELinux policy, and the LiveCD environment.

The following reported bugs from are fixed in this release:

    #0000023 The 'admin' password is displayed in the browser location bar.
    #0000022 The LiveCD script doesn't correctly set the root password.
    #0000020 Package engarde-policy-sources does not contain local.* files
    #0000018 system log entry occurs every second
    #0000017 PHP 4.4.1 is out
    #0000016 Users can not add/edit web files
    #0000015 webtool can not stop MySQL
    #0000011 Users cannot upload files via FTP
    #0000006 Snort version 2.4.2 is out

Several other bugs are fixed in this release as well.

New features include:

  • A new WebTool frontend to the AIDE filesystem integrity checker (which will be enabled via a GDSN update in coming days).
  • Daily, weekly, and monthly graphs for the Snort IDS WebTool module.
  • The latest stable versions of MySQL (5.0.16), fetchmail (6.3.0), and Snort (2.4.3).
  • Several new installable packages such as screen, setarch, device-mapper and lvm2, bacula, and amanda.

All new users downloading EnGarde Secure Linux for the first time or users who use the LiveCD environment should download this release.

Users who are currently using EnGarde Secure Linux do not need to download this release -- they can update their machines via the Guardian Digital Secure Network WebTool module.