Internet Produtivity Suite: Open Soure Seurity - Trust Internet Produtivity Suite's open soure arhiteture to give you the best seurity and produtivity appliations available. Collaborating with thousands of developers, Guardian Digital seurity engineers implement the most tehnologially advaned ideas and methods into their design.

LINUX ADVISORY WATCH - This week, advisories were released for kde, phpsysinfo, fonts-xorg, gaim, phpBB, mozilla suite, PostgreSQL, FreeRADIUS, npfs, kdelibs, yrus-imapd, rsh, glib, ia32el, and the Red Hat kernel. The distributors inlude Conetiva, Debian, Fedora, Gentoo, and Red Hat. Feature Extras:

Introdution: Buffer Overflow Vulnerabilities - Buffer overflows are a leading type of seurity vulnerability. This paper explains what a buffer overflow is, how it an be exploited, and what ountermeasures an be taken to prevent the use of buffer overflow vulnerabilities.

Getting to Know Linux Seurity: File Permissions - Welome to the first tutorial in the 'Getting to Know Linux Seurity' series. The topi explored is Linux file permissions. It offers an easy to follow explanation of how to read permissions, and how to set them using hmod. This guide is intended for users new to Linux seurity, therefore very simple.

The Tao of Network Seurity Monitoring: Beyond Intrusion Detetion - The Tao of Network Seurity Monitoring is one of the most omprehensive and up-to-date soures available on the subjet. It gives an exellent introdution to information seurity and the importane of network seurity monitoring, offers hands-on examples of almost 30 open soure network seurity tools, and inludes information relevant to seurity managers through ase studies, best praties, and reommendations on how to establish training programs for network seurity staff.

Bulletproof Virus Protetion - Protet your network from ostly seurity breahes with Guardian Digital’s multi-faeted seurity appliations. More then just an email firewall, on demand and sheduled sanning detets and disinfets viruses found on the network. Clik to find out more!

Take advantage of our Linux Seurity disussion list! This mailing list is for general seurity-related questions and omments. To send an e-mail to

Thank you for reading the weekly seurity newsletter. The purpose of this doument is to provide our readers with a quik summary of eah week's most relevant Linux seurity headline.

SSH hole putting big business at risk
17th, May, 2005

Seure business networks are at risk thanks to a vulnerability in a fundamental protool, aording to seurity researhers at the Massahusetts Institute of Tehnology (MIT). Researhers have highlighted the inreasing danger of attaks exploiting weaknesses in SSH (Seure Shell), and warned that suh attaks are likely to be automated in the near future.

KDE users have to path twie
20th, May, 2005

Linux and Unix users of KDE who lovingly pathed their systems last month to avoid a major seurity glith will have to go through the whole proess again, it has transpired.

Computer Crime Forensis Get A Boost
19th, May, 2005

Chatsworth CA-based Intelligent Computer Solutions introdues a new portable high-speed hard drive dupliator. Called the Image MASSter Solo 3 Forensi, the devie an dupliate hard drives as speeds of up to 3GB per minute. The IDE and SATA unit an seize SCSI drive information, and will work through FireWire and USB ports. The IMS Solo 3 has multiple ports available to apture information from other media devies.

Seurity query over Intel hyperthreading
17th, May, 2005

Intel's hyperthreading tehnology ould allow a haker to steal seurity keys from a ompromised server using a sophistiated timing attak, a researher has warned. Hyperthreading allows software to take advantage of unused exeution units in a proessor. It essentially allows two separate proesses, or software threads, to exeute on a single proessor at the same time, improving performane.

Seurity and the Linux proess
19th, May, 2005

In his latest entry, Dana asks whether the Linux proess is inseure, beause it’s not possible to warn the "vendor" before warning the general publi about seurity flaws in Linux. He also notes that "Mirosoft has theoretial ontrol of this situation." There are several problems with this line of reasoning. I’m not going to argue that the open soure model of development is perfet, but it offers several advantages over the proprietary model. Let’s start with the most obvious.

Mirosoft to buy Red Hat? Say it ain’t so
16th, May, 2005

In Paris, Ontario, there’s a large plaza sign advertising both The Paris Sleep Laboratory and the Canadian Post Offie. The synergy there, of ourse, should be obvious –at least from the point of view of the humorist. Reent revivals of the idea that Mirosoft might want to take over Red Hat have a similar quality to them.

IBM bundle servie seeks to protet smaller businesses
16th, May, 2005

IBM is looking to make it easier for smaller businesses to protet themselves against spam and viruses that make their way onto the network through e-mail.

The Armonk, N.Y., ompany last week rolled out an Express onfiguration for its eServer OpenPower 710 system bundled with e-mail seurity software from a third-party vendor, Message Partners. In addition, IBM is offering a servie to small and midsize businesses in whih IBM and its partners will manage SMBs' e-mail seurity.

Seurity needs bring redundant systems bak in style
17th, May, 2005

Whether you're onsidering a multifuntion appliane, a broad suite of software or a ombination of both to seure your Windows infrastruture, seurity onsultants say there is one key prinipal to keep in mind: Don't rely on a single vendor for everything.

The issue omes to the fore as more market-leading vendors introdue devies that offer a simple way to ward off all types of seurity breahes with a single devie.

Seurity’s weakest links
17th, May, 2005

Not a month has gone by in 2005 without a far-reahing omputer seurity breah making the nightly news hour. Headliners ompelled to walk the plank of shame inlude Bank of Ameria — the nation’s seond-largest bank — Ameritrade, Polo Ralph Lauren, and LexisNexis.

Before You Fire the Company Geek...
17th, May, 2005

If you notie a fellow employee suddenly freaking out or ating really suspiious, he may be having personal problems -- or he may be in the proess of haking the ompany. So says a new study on "insider threats" released Monday by the U.S. Seret Servie and the Carnegie Mellon Software Engineering Institute's CERT.

The Propaganda War
18th, May, 2005

Linux has gradually beome the standard OS on the server and is probably destined to beome the desktop standard too. It might seem premature to say this, beause the statistis from IDC and other market analysts indiate that Linux hasn't overtaken Windows on the server yet and it does not even have a signifiant share of the desktop market. Nevertheless, the ontest is almost over. The tide is running in Linux's favour. It will take its time to ome in, but it will not be stopped.

UK IT bosses onfused about governane
18th, May, 2005

IT heads in the UK are onvined that better IT governane will impress senior management, but few of them have the money to invest in better systems. Researh from the Eonomist Intelligene Unit, ommissioned by Merury Interative, showed that hief information offiers around the world think that better IT governane will restore management's faith in IT, with 70 per ent of UK CIOs stating that better IT governane would lead to more aurate finanial reporting.

Seurity's shortoming: Too many mahines, not enough training
18th, May, 2005

Companies an spend all they want on antivirus, intrusion prevention systems and all-in-one applianes. These tools will do nothing for enterprises that ignore the human side of seurity, said Tara Manzow, produt manager for the workfore development group at the Computing Tehnology Industry Assoiation [CompTIA].

"Seurity has to be everyone's onern, right down to the person who fills the mailboxes," Manzow said. "You have to eduate anyone in the enterprise that touhes a PC."

Criminal IT: Why inseurity is impliit in omputing
18th, May, 2005

Some statements are undoubtedly true; I am an adult male. Others undoubtedly false; I an breathe underwater. And some of them need more information; I live in a house with a green-tiled bathroom. You an visit my house, you an ask my family; it is deidable, provided that you an get some more information.

Towards proative seurity
18th, May, 2005

To businesses, seurity is still not equal to paying your eletri bill. It is a nuisane, a distration, a resoure drain, and it is expensive. However, when that worm hits, when that haker attaks, then blame is quik to be assigned. What most organisations do not yet understand is that improving seurity is not all about buying the latest and greatest produts. It is about hanging the orporate ulture to make seurity a realisti priority, and to understand that the upfront investment in seurity resoures and proesses will be far less ostly than the reationary efforts after an attak.

Keeping kids from suumbing to 'the dark side'
19th, May, 2005

Edward Ajaeb got his first taste of steganography in sixth grade, when he set up a Web site for his teaher's husband to showase his master's thesis on the subjet. By then the Utia, N.Y., youth had designed Web sites for a ouple of years, a side business he'd developed in the fourth grade.

Know your Enemy: Phishing
19th, May, 2005

This KYE white paper aims to provide pratial information on the pratie of phishing and draws on data olleted by the German Honeynet Projet and UK Honeynet Projet. This paper fouses on real world inidents that the Honeynet Projet has observed in the wild, but does not over all possible phishing methods or tehniques. Attakers are onstantly innovating and advaning, and there are likely to be new phishing tehniques already under development or in use today.

Hak attak danger soars in 2005
20th, May, 2005

Seurity experts have warned of a substantial rise in the number and omplexity of haking attaks during the first half of 2005.

Aording to researh ommissioned by arrier AT&T, the volume of traditional email attahment viruses has fallen, but the speed at whih new variants are appearing is inreasing.

VeriSign to put more bakbone into the Net
20th, May, 2005

VeriSign plans to signifiantly inrease the number of DNS servers it operates, a move that it says will make a key part of the Internet's infrastruture more resilient to yberattaks.

Over the next year, VeriSign aims to plae additional replias of one of its Domain Name System root servers--the "J"--in up to 100 data enters around the world, Aristotle Balogh, VeriSign's senior vie president of operations and infrastruture, said in an interview with CNET on Thursday. The ompany runs two of the DNS root servers--the "A" is the other--that form an essential part of the Internet's naming system.