This week, advisories were released for kde, phpsysinfo, fonts-xorg, gaim, phpBB, mozilla suite, PostgreSQL, FreeRADIUS, ncpfs, kdelibs, cyrus-imapd, rsh, glibc, ia32el, and the Red Hat kernel. The distributors include Conectiva, Debian, Fedora, Gentoo, and Red Hat.

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Buffer Overflow Basics
By: Suhas Desai

A buffer overflow occurs when a program or process tries to store more data in a temporary data storage area than it was intended to hold. Since buffers are created to contain a finite amount of data, the extra information can overflow into adjacent buffers, corrupting or overwriting the valid data held in them.

Buffer overflows are a fertile source of bugs and malicious attacks. They occur when a program attempts to write data past the end of a buffer. A buffer is a contiguous allocated chunk of memory, such as an array or pointer in C. Limitation of C and C++ is there are no automatic bounds checking on the buffer where user can write past a buffer as given in example.

Note: All examples are compiled on Linux platform having x86 configuration.

  int main () 

  	int buffer [10];

After execution of this program it won’t give errors but program attempts to write beyond the allocated memory for the buffer which results for unexpected output.

	void function (char *str) 

		char buffer[16];
    int main()


	char *str=