There have been a number of recent announcements regarding new security software and enhancements for Linux. SGI has started releasing their patches that will hopefully bring Linux "C2" and "B1" security ratings, as set out by the DoD Orange book . . .
There have been a number of recent announcements regarding new security software and enhancements for Linux. SGI has started releasing their patches that will hopefully bring Linux "C2" and "B1" security ratings, as set out by the DoD Orange book standard. These additions will not be ready for production use for quite some time. One of the perceived areas where Linux is behind other operating systems, such as NT, is in it's lack of access control lists (ACL's). Many would argue, myself included, that ACL's are a fine addition to system security if used properly, but because of their complexity this is often a problem. User's can end up with additional access rights to files/directories that they shouldn't have. Another problem is that file system controls, even fine grained ones such as ACL's, do not easily address what files a process can and cannot access. Getting a process to run as a distinct non-root user is sometimes not an easy task and has a tendency of breaking things like time synchronization software. The good news is this is exactly what SubDomain addresses.

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