We have found that the ftpwatch package as distributed in Debian
GNU/Linux 1.3 and later distributions has a security problem which makes
it trivial for users to gain root access.

We recommend that you remove the ftpwatch package immediately.

We will be working on a new version of ftpwatch to address these issues and
will announce that in a new advisory.

- -- 
Debian GNU/Linux      .   Security Managers      .   security@debian.org
  Christian Hudon     .     Wichert Akkerman     .     Martin Schulze
   .     .   

ftpwatch package has major security problems

December 13, 1999
We have found that the ftpwatch package as distributed in Debian GNU/Linux 1.3 and later distributions has a security problem which makes it trivial for users to gain root access.


We will be working on a new version of ftpwatch to address these issues and
will announce that in a new advisory.

- --
Debian GNU/Linux . Security Managers . security@debian.org
Christian Hudon . Wichert Akkerman . Martin Schulze
. .


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