Security Vulnerabilities - Page 4

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Nearly 40% of Ubuntu Users Vulnerable to New Privilege Escalation Flaws


Two new Linux kernel privilege escalation flaws have been discovered in the OverlayFS module in Ubuntu, which affect nearly 40% of Ubuntu users (CVE-2023-2640 and CVE-2023-32629). Modifications to the OverlayFS module introduced by the Linux kernel project in 2019 and 2022 conflicted with Ubuntu’s earlier changes, and Ubuntu's adoption of the new code introduced these two vulnerabilities.

X.Org DoS, Code Execution Vulns Fixed


Several significant out-of-bounds access vulnerabilities have been found in the X.Org X Server (CVE-2021-4008, CVE-2021-4009, and CVE-2021-4011). These flaws threaten data confidentiality and integrity, as well as system availability, and have received a National Vulnerability Database severity rating of “High”.

Unraveling the New WordPress Vulnerabilities: Safeguarding Your Digital Fortress


Thank you to Ruth Webb for contributing this article. WordPress stands tall as one of the most popular content management systems (CMS), empowering millions of websites worldwide in the ever-evolving digital landscape. Its flexibility and user-friendliness have made it a top choice for bloggers, businesses, and individuals. However, with great popularity comes great responsibility, and WordPress, like any other platform, is not immune to security vulnerabilities.

Linux Kernel DoS, Privilege Escalation Bugs Fixed


Multiple significant security vulnerabilities have been discovered in the Linux kernel, including a remotely exploitable null pointer dereference flaw in the networking protocol (CVE-2023-3338), use-after-free vulnerabilities in kernel's netfilter subsystem in net/netfilter/nf_tables_api.c (CVE-2023-3390) and nft_chain_lookup_byid() (CVE-2023-31248), and an out-of-bounds read/write vulnerability (CVE-2023-35001). These bugs are easy to exploit and pose a severe risk to your system's confidentiality, integrity, and availability. As a result, they have received a National Vulnerability Database severity rating of “High”.

Severe Django ReDoS Bug Fixed


It was discovered that in Django 3.2 before 3.2.20, 4 before 4.1.10, and 4.2 before 4.2.3, EmailValidator and URLValidator are subject to a potential ReDoS (regular expression denial of service) attacks via a vast number of domain name labels of emails and URLs (CVE-2023-36053).

GPAC DoS, Code Execution Flaws Fixed


Multiple severe security issues were discovered in the GPAC multimedia framework, including a heap-based Buffer Overflow in the GitHub repository gpac/gpac before V2.1.0-DEV (CVE-2023-0760) and a NULL Pointer Dereference in the GitHub repository gpac/gpac before 2.2.2 (CVE-2023-3012). These vulnerabilities have received a National Vulnerability Database base score of 7.8 out of 10 (“High” severity).

Linux Kernel DoS, Privilege Escalation Vulns Fixed


Multiple significant security vulnerabilities have been found in the Linux kernel, including an out-of-bounds memory access flaw in the XFS file system (CVE-2023-2124) and an out-of-boundary read vulnerability in compare_netdev_and_ip in drivers/infiniband/core/cma.c in RDMA in the kernel (CVE-2023-2176). With a low attack complexity and a high confidentiality, integrity, and availability impact, these bugs have received a National Vulnerability Database base score of 7.8 out of 10 (“High” severity).

Actively Exploited WebKitGTK Code Execution Vuln Fixed


A type confusion issue that may have been actively exploited has been identified in the WebKitGTK web engine (CVE-2023-32439). With a low attack complexity and a high confidentiality, integrity and availability impact, this vulnerability has received a National Vulnerability Database severity rating of High.

Critical Linux Kernel StackRot Bug Fixed


Exploit code will soon become available for a critical vulnerability in the Linux kernel that a security researcher discovered and reported in mid-June. Dubbed StackRot (CVE-2023-3269), this bug impacts the Linux kernel 6.1 through 6.4. The data structure for managing virtual memory spaces in the Linux kernel handles a particular memory management function in a manner that results in use-after-free-by-RCU (UAFBR) issues. The security researcher who discovered StackRot, Ruihan Li, describes the exploit for StackRot as likely the first to successfully exploit a UAFBR bug.

Important Vim DoS, Code Execution Bugs Fixed


Several important security issues were discovered in the Vim enhanced vi editor, including an out-of-bounds read vulnerability (CVE-2022-0128), improper memory management when recording and using select mode (CVE-2022-0393), and incorrect handling of certain memory operations during a visual block yank (CVE-2022-0407). Due to their high confidentiality, integrity and availability impact, these bugs have received a National Vulnerability Database severity rating of High.

Remotely Exploitable Chromium Vulns Fixed


Three important vulnerabilities were discovered in Chromium, including a type confusion in V8 (CVE-2023-3420) and use after frees in Media (CVE-2023-3421) and Guest View (CVE-2023-3422). With a low attack complexity and a high confidentiality, integrity and availability impact, these flaws have received a National Vulnerability Database severity rating of 8.8 out of 10 (“High” severity).

Remotely Exploitable Bind DoS Bugs Fixed


Several remotely exploitable security issues were found in the Bind Internet Domain Name Server. It was discovered that Bind incorrectly handled the cache size limit (CVE-2023-2828) and the recursive-clients quota (CVE-2023-2911). With a low attack complexity and a high availability impact, these bugs have received a National Vulnerability Database severity rating of “High”.

Linux Kernel DoS, Code Execution, Info Disclosure Vulns Fixed


Several security issues were found in the Linux kernel, including an out-of-bounds write vulnerability in the Flower classifier implementation in the kernel (CVE-2023-35788). It was also discovered that for some Intel processors the INVLPG instruction implementation did not properly flush global TLB entries when PCIDs are enabled. With a low attack complexity and a high confidentiality, integrity and availability impact, these flaws have received a National Vulnerability Database severity rating of 7.8 out of 10 (“High” severity).

Critical SQL Injection Flaws Expose Gentoo Soko to Remote Code Execution


Multiple SQL injection vulnerabilities have been disclosed in Gentoo Soko that could lead to remote code execution (RCE) on vulnerable systems. "These SQL injections happened despite the use of an Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) library and prepared statements," SonarSource researcher Thomas Chauchefoin said, adding they could result in RCE on Soko because of a "misconfiguration of the database."

VLC DoS, Remote Code Execution Vulns Fixed


Multiple remotely exploitable denial of service (DoS) and code execution vulnerabilities have been found in the VLC multimedia player and streamer. These bugs have been classified as “high-severity” by the National Vulnerability Database due to their high confidentiality, integrity and availability impact.

OpenJDK DoS, Info Disclosure Vulns Fixed


Several important denial of service (DoS) and information disclosure vulnerabilities have been discovered in the OpenJDK Java runtime. These bugs require no privileges or user interaction to exploit, and have been classified by the National Vulnerability Database as having a high confidentiality, integrity and availability impact on affected systems.

Important Fix for c-ares DoS Bug Released


Several important security vulnerabilities have been found in the c-ares fork of the ares library, including a 0-byte UDP payload denial of service (DoS) bug (CVE-2023-32067). With low attack complexity, no privileges or user interaction required to exploit, and a high availability impact, this flaw has received a National Vulnerability Database (NVD) base score of 7.5 out of 10 (“High” severity).

14 Important Chromium Use-After-Free, Type Confusion Bugs Fixed


Fourteen important vulnerabilities have been discovered in Chromium, including multiple use-after-free and type confusion bugs. With a low attack complexity and a high confidentiality, integrity and availability impact, these issues have received a National Vulnerability Database severity rating of “High”.

Multiple Ruby Info Disclosure Vulns Fixed


Two important security bugs have been found in Ruby. It was discovered that an HTTP response splitting flaw exists in the Ruby cgi gem before, 0.2.x before 0.2.2, and 0.3.x before 0.3.5 (CVE-2021-3362). It was also discovered that a buffer over-read occurs in String-to-Float conversion in Ruby before 2.6.10, 2.7.x before 2.7.6, 3.x before 3.0.4, and 3.1.x before 3.1.2 (CVE-2022-28739). With a low attack complexity and a high confidentiality and integrity impact, these bugs have received a National Vulnerability Database severity rating of “High”.